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Listings and postings placed by locals in your area on these sites

Localzz 360
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Northlandzz 360
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Information CEO 360
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Northland 365 Employment
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Also check out CouponCEO.com for more coupons.
 Recent Local Advertisers


 Topic and Local Sponsored General Ads


Limited Time Ads - Daily, Weekly, Monthly or more
Ad Category 1


 Sponsored Ads - Display Ads
Ad Category 2
Chemistry.com Northland 365
Local Directory, Classifieds, Employment,
, Real Estate and Vehicles
Localzz 360 - Local Listings
Hotelclub.com Best Buy Co, Inc.
Start a website today - Unlimited $8.99 .COM Domains! Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC
EasyClickTravel.com Best Buy Co, Inc.
Best Buy Co, Inc. Northlandzz 360 -Local Listings
  Sponsored Text Link Ads
Ad Category 3
Check out SavingsLand.com
Check out Localzz Media 
 Check out MarketplaceLand.com Check out Northland Advertising
Check out AdvertisingProducts.us Check out Northland 360
Check out Productzz  Check out Northland 365
Check out Servicezz Check out Northland Directory
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Check out Business Products CEO Check out Business Services CEO
  Sponsored Link Ads - Link Ads
Ad Category 4
Localzz Media 
MarketplaceLand.com Northland Advertising
AdvertisingProducts.us Northland 360
Productzz  Northland 365
Servicezz Northland Directory
Local BtoBs  Northland Businesses
Local HQs Information CEO
Local Misc Information CFO
Business Product CEO Business Service CEO
Business Products CEO Business Services CEO
 Localzz Company and Blog Sites
 Localzz - LocalZZ Portal Site
Localzz Media - LocalZZ Company Site
Localzz Blog - Local Blog and Updates
Northland Advertising- Company Site
Northland Blog - Northland Blog and Updates


 Localzz Major Divisions
MyLocalZZ - Localzz 200+ Specialty Sites
Examples:  Activitiezz   Businessezz  Listingzz  Marketplacezz  Postingzz  Productzz  Servicezz
Also: Green Tornado  Green Twister  Family Frugal   SavingsLand  Travel the Land
Northlandzz - Northland 200+ Specialty Sites
Examples: Northland 360    Northland 365   Northland Ads   Northland Businesses
Northland Classifieds   Northland Directory   Northland Marketplace   Northland Rentals
Northwoodzz - Northwoods 40+ Specialty Sites
Examples:  Northwoods Coupon Codes    Northwoods Information  Northwoods 365
Northwoods 101   Northwoods Businesses    Northwoods Clothing   Northwoods Visitors
Information CEO - 200+ Specialty Sites
Examples: Careers CEO  Coupon CEO Coupons CEO  Deals CEO  Daily Deals CEO  Getaway CEO
  Getaways CEO   Hot Deal CEO   Hotels CEO  Vacation CEO Vacations CEO   Vacation Deal CEO
Information CFO - 200+ Specialty Sites
Examples: Apartment CFO  Apartments CFO  Best Price CFO  Best Prices CFO  Car CFO
Clothing CFO   Deal CFO   Frugal CFO   Grocery Coupon CFO   Oil Change CFO    Vacation CFO


 Related Sponsored Ads
Ad Category 5
Chemistry.com Matchmaker - Begin Search
Hotelclub.com Best Buy Co, Inc.
Start a website today - Unlimited $8.99 .COM Domains! Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC
EasyClickTravel.com Best Buy Co, Inc.
Best Buy Co, Inc. Best Buy Co, Inc.
 Sponsored Ad Sites
Ad Category 6
Localzz360 Localzz360.com
 Directory of the Locals
Northland 365
Local Directory, Classifieds, Employment,
, Real Estate and Vehicles
Localzz360 Localzz360.com
List your business today
List your business today
SavingsLand.com CouponCEO.com
MarketplaceLand.com CouponsCEO.com
AdvertisingProducts.us CouponCodeCEO.com
MyLocalZZ.com CouponCodesCEO.com
Northlandzz.com CouponCFO.com
Northwoodzz.com  CouponsCFO.com
InformationCEO.com CouponCodeCFO.com
InformationCFO.com CouponCodesCFO.com
 Sponsored Ads - (full width -large banner)
Ad Category 7
Servicezz.com  ProductZZ.com
LOCALZZ.com - Local Info


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Find Free Basic Listings at FreeBasicListings.com
Find Free Basic Postings at FreeBasicPostings.com
Find Free Basic Ads at FreeBasicAds.com
5 Dollar Listings at 5DollarListings.com
5 Dollar Postings at 5DollarPostings.com
20 Dollar Ads at 20DollarAds.com
20 Dollar Listings at 20DollarListings.com
20 Dollar Postings at 20DollarPostings.com
25 Dollar Advertisements at 25DollarAdvertisments.com
25 Dollar Listings and 25DollarListings.com
25 Dollar Postings at 25DollarPostings.com
49 Dollar Ads at 49DollarAds.com
49 Dollar Postings at 49DollarPostings.com
49 Dollar Listings at 49DollarListings.com
 Home Page Ads, State Page Ads, and County/City Page Ads
1. All ads are manually placed and are for up 365 days
2.New ads are placed at the top of each ad category
Home Page ads
7 different categories on home page - going down page
For up to 365 days for a price of $499 (limited time promotional special price of $25)


 1. Limited Time Ads - Display, Text, or other (Ad Category 1 - 20 currently available)
 2. Sponsored Ads - Display Ads (Ad Category 2 - 20 currently available)
 3. Sponsored Text Link Ads (Ad Category 3 - 20 currently available)
 4. Sponsored Link Ads - Link Ad (Ad Category 4 - 20 currently available)
 5. Related Sponsored Ads - Related Products and Service (Ad Category 5 - 20 currently available)
 6. Sponsored Ad Sites (Ad Category 6 - 20 currently available)
  7. Sponsored Ad Sites - Full page width (Ad Category 7 - 5 currently available)


Note the website name when you are requesting an ad placement

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Local Sponsored General Ads on state pages
For up to 365 days for a price of $99 for a featured ad and $49 for basic ad (limited time promotional special price of $25)


  1. Local Sponsored General Ads - Display, Text, or other (1 - 100 currently available)
Featured and Basic Ads on County, and City Pages
 Ads on a specific county, or city page (pages will be created as needed)
For up to 365 days for a price of $99 for a featured ad and $49 for basic ad (limited time promotional special price of $25)
 1. Featured Ads - Either banner, text, or link ads (Up to 50 ads)
 2. Basic Ads- Either banner, text, or link ads (Up to 50 ads)
Note the website name, state, and city or county you would like the ad placed on when you are requesting an ad placement


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Ads must be relevant to website goal and topic to be placed on said website. We provide local advertising, thus promoting local information. Inappropriate ads will not be placed. Ads may be posted at the discretion of LocalZZMedia and Northland Advertising LLC. LocalZZMedia and Northland Advertising LLC reserves the right to refuse or remove an ad at anytime.
For other advertising and marketing options visit LocalZZ Media - We have hundreds of branded and linked sites
LocalZZ - Local People, Businesses, Information, and Websites
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